best tomatoes for raised garden beds

Discover the Best Tomatoes for Raised Garden Beds Today!

Tomatoes are a popular crop for home gardeners, and finding the right variety for your raised garden beds can make all the difference. That’s why we’ve gathered recommendations from experts across the country to help you choose the best tomatoes for your garden. Whether you’re looking for great color and flavor, disease resistance, or high yields, we have the perfect tomatoes for your raised beds.

With these expert recommendations, you can enjoy a bountiful harvest of delicious, homegrown tomatoes all season long. So let’s dive in and discover the top tomato varieties for your raised garden beds!

Key Takeaways:

  • Choose the right tomato variety for your raised garden beds to maximize flavor and yield.
  • Consider factors such as color, disease resistance, and productivity when selecting tomatoes.
  • Expert-recommended varieties include ‘Thorburn’s Terra Cotta’, ‘Faelan’s First Snow’, ‘Alston Everlasting’, ‘Juliet’, ‘Candyland Red’, ‘Sungold’, and ‘Midnight Snack’.
  • Proper support and care are essential for healthy tomato plants in raised garden beds.
  • Enjoy the satisfaction of growing your own delicious tomatoes at home!

Plant ‘Thorburn’s Terra Cotta’ Tomato for Great Color and Flavor

‘Thorburn’s Terra Cotta’ is a midsize, indeterminate tomato plant that is known for its exceptional color and flavor. This organic tomato variety is a popular choice for raised garden beds due to its easy-growing nature. With its beautiful terra cotta exterior and green, pink, and bronze flesh, ‘Thorburn’s Terra Cotta’ adds a unique touch to any garden.

This tomato was first introduced in the late 1800s and was featured in an heirloom seed catalog. However, it disappeared for several decades before being rediscovered in the 1990s. Since then, it has gained popularity among gardeners for its delicious taste and stunning appearance.

One of the advantages of growing ‘Thorburn’s Terra Cotta’ is its disease resistance and sturdy production. It is a reliable plant that offers a bountiful harvest throughout the growing season. Whether you’re a beginner gardener or an experienced one, this tomato is easy to grow and maintain, making it a great addition to your raised garden beds.

If you want to grow organic tomatoes with great flavor and color, ‘Thorburn’s Terra Cotta’ is the perfect choice for your raised garden beds.

Features Description
Color Terra cotta exterior with green, pink, and bronze flesh
Growing Type Indeterminate
Disease Resistance Good
Production Sturdy and high-yield
Availability Organic tomato variety

So, if you’re looking for an easy-to-grow tomato with outstanding flavor and vibrant colors, consider planting ‘Thorburn’s Terra Cotta’ in your raised garden beds. You’ll not only enjoy its delicious fruits but also add a touch of beauty to your garden.

Grow ‘Faelan’s First Snow’ Tomato for Classic Beefsteak with Fun Foliage

‘Faelan’s First Snow’ is a beefsteak-type tomato that offers not only delicious flavor but also fun foliage. This tomato variety features pinkish to purplish-red skin and deep red flesh, making it a feast for both the eyes and the taste buds. Its stout stems, white-variegated leaves, and large flowers add an interesting and unique touch to your raised garden beds.

One of the standout features of ‘Faelan’s First Snow’ is its classic beefsteak flavor. Its rich taste makes it the perfect choice for sandwiches, adding a burst of flavor to every bite. Additionally, this tomato variety is known for its high yield, ensuring you’ll have an abundance of juicy tomatoes to enjoy throughout the growing season.

When it comes to disease resistance, ‘Faelan’s First Snow’ is a top contender. It is resistant to early blight, a common tomato disease that can significantly impact yields. By choosing this disease-resistant tomato plant, you can have peace of mind knowing that your crop is protected from harmful pathogens.

Benefits of Growing ‘Faelan’s First Snow’ Tomato:

  • Delicious classic beefsteak flavor
  • Eye-catching white-variegated leaves and large flowers
  • High yield of juicy tomatoes
  • Disease-resistant, especially to early blight

With its classic flavor, fun foliage, and disease resistance, ‘Faelan’s First Snow’ is an excellent choice for anyone looking to grow beefsteak tomatoes in their raised garden beds. Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or a beginner, this variety will not disappoint.

‘Alston Everlasting’ Tomato: High Yield and Heirloom Qualities

If you’re looking for a tomato variety that offers both high yield and heirloom qualities, ‘Alston Everlasting’ should be at the top of your list. This large cherry tomato is not only easy to grow, but it also provides a bountiful harvest throughout the season. Whether you prefer to enjoy it fresh in salads or use it to make oven-roasted sauce, ‘Alston Everlasting’ delivers exceptional flavor.

One of the standout features of ‘Alston Everlasting’ is its versatility. This indeterminate tomato plant can be harvested early and late in the season, ensuring a continuous supply of delicious tomatoes. Its vibrant red color and juicy flesh make it an attractive addition to any dish.

Key Features of ‘Alston Everlasting’ Tomato

  • High yield: Expect abundant harvests from this tomato variety, providing you with plenty of tomatoes to enjoy and share.
  • Heirloom qualities: ‘Alston Everlasting’ represents the best of both worlds – the charm of heirloom tomatoes and the productivity of modern varieties.
  • Disease resistance: This variety is resistant to late blight, ensuring healthier plants and a higher chance of a successful harvest.
  • Easy to grow: Even if you’re a beginner gardener, you’ll find ‘Alston Everlasting’ easy to cultivate in your raised garden beds.

With its impressive qualities and delicious taste, ‘Alston Everlasting’ is a fantastic choice for both novice and experienced tomato gardeners. Its ability to produce a high yield ensures you’ll have an abundance of fresh tomatoes all season long. Plant ‘Alston Everlasting’ in your raised garden beds, follow some essential tomato gardening tips, and get ready to enjoy the rewards of this exceptional heirloom variety.

Opt for ‘Juliet’ Tomato for Versatility and Disease Resistance

When it comes to growing tomatoes in small spaces or containers, ‘Juliet’ tomato is an excellent choice. This versatile tomato variety can be used in various culinary applications, including salads, salsas, and pasta sauces. Its rich texture and meaty flesh make it a favorite among home gardeners and chefs alike.

One of the key advantages of ‘Juliet’ tomato is its disease resistance. It is resistant to common tomato diseases such as early blight and late blight, which can be a major concern for gardeners. By choosing ‘Juliet’ tomato, you can enjoy a bountiful harvest without worrying about your plants falling victim to these devastating diseases.

‘Juliet’ tomato is an indeterminate variety, meaning it will continue to grow and produce fruit throughout the growing season. However, due to its vigorous growth, it requires proper support and staking to ensure healthy and productive plants. By providing the necessary support, you can maximize the yield of ‘Juliet’ tomato in your small spaces or containers.

Table: Comparison of Tomato Varieties for Small Spaces

Tomato Variety Size Flavor Disease Resistance Growth Habit
‘Juliet’ Medium Rich and Meaty Resistant to early blight and late blight Indeterminate, requires staking
‘Candyland Red’ Small (currant-type) Delicious Disease resistant Indeterminate
‘Sungold’ Cherry Exceptionally sweet and fruity Resistant to verticillium wilt, fusarium wilt, and tobacco mosaic virus Indeterminate, requires pruning

As seen in the table above, ‘Juliet’ tomato offers a medium-sized fruit with a rich and meaty flavor. Its disease resistance ensures that your plants stay healthy and productive, even in small spaces or containers. However, if you prefer smaller-sized tomatoes, ‘Candyland Red’ and ‘Sungold’ are great alternatives to consider.

With ‘Juliet’ tomato, you can enjoy the versatility and disease resistance of a tomato variety that is specifically suited for small spaces or container gardening. Whether you’re adding it to salads, salsas, or pasta sauces, ‘Juliet’ tomato is sure to delight your taste buds and provide a plentiful harvest.

Try ‘Candyland Red’ Tomato for Tiny and Tasty Treats

Candyland Red is a currant-type tomato variety that offers an exciting twist to your garden. With its small fruit size, this tomato is perfect for those with limited space or who prefer container gardening. The tiny tomatoes grow in clusters, making them easy to harvest and enjoy in various recipes.

Despite their small size, Candyland Red tomatoes pack a punch of delicious flavor. They have a sweet and tangy taste that adds a burst of tomato goodness to pasta dishes, salads, or as toppings for bruschetta. Whether you’re growing them in a raised bed or a small container, these tiny treats will impress your taste buds.

Not only are Candyland Red tomatoes flavorful, but they are also disease-resistant and highly productive. This variety offers enormous harvests, ensuring that you’ll have an abundance of tomatoes throughout the growing season. So if you’re looking for a compact tomato variety that doesn’t compromise on taste or yield, give Candyland Red a try in your small-space garden or container setup.

Benefits of Growing ‘Candyland Red’ Tomato:

  • Perfect for small spaces and container gardening
  • Produces tiny and tasty fruits in abundant clusters
  • Delicious sweet and tangy flavor
  • Disease-resistant for healthier plants
  • Highly productive with enormous harvests
Name Type Size Flavor Yield Disease Resistance
Candyland Red Currant-type Small Sweet and tangy High Disease-resistant

Experience the Fan Favorite ‘Sungold’ Tomato with Exceptional Flavor

If you’re looking for a high-yield tomato variety that brings exceptional flavor to your garden, look no further than the ‘Sungold’ tomato. This fan favorite is known for its exceptionally sweet and fruity taste, making it a delightful addition to salads, salsas, and even eaten straight off the vine. With hundreds of 1-inch-diameter fruits produced from midsummer until frost, you’ll have an abundant harvest of these delectable cherry tomatoes.

The ‘Sungold’ tomato is an indeterminate variety, meaning it keeps growing and producing fruit until the frost sets in. Its vigorous nature ensures a productive season, allowing you to enjoy an abundance of these flavorful tomatoes. But it’s not just the taste that makes ‘Sungold’ a standout. It also offers excellent resistance to common tomato diseases like verticillium wilt, fusarium wilt, and tobacco mosaic virus, making it a reliable choice for your garden.

To ensure healthier and more productive plants, pruning is recommended for ‘Sungold’ tomatoes. This involves removing suckers, the shoots that grow in the crotch between the main stem and the branches. By pruning them, you promote better air circulation and allow the plant to focus its energy on fruit production. With the right care and attention, you can enjoy a bountiful supply of ‘Sungold’ tomatoes throughout the growing season.

In summary, the ‘Sungold’ tomato is a high-yield variety that offers exceptional flavor and disease resistance. Its sweet and fruity taste makes it a fan favorite, and its continuous fruit production ensures a bountiful harvest. With proper pruning and care, you can enjoy a thriving garden filled with delicious ‘Sungold’ tomatoes.


Choosing the best tomatoes for your raised garden beds is an exciting and rewarding endeavor. After consulting with experts across the country, we have compiled a list of top recommendations that are sure to please any gardener.

For those seeking a burst of color and flavor, ‘Thorburn’s Terra Cotta’ tomato is an excellent choice. Its unique terra cotta exterior and green, pink, and bronze flesh make it a standout in any garden. If you prefer classic beefsteak tomatoes with a twist, ‘Faelan’s First Snow’ is the perfect option. Its white-variegated leaves and deep red flesh will add both visual appeal and mouthwatering flavor to your dishes.

If high yields and heirloom qualities are what you’re after, look no further than ‘Alston Everlasting’ tomato. This large cherry tomato is easy to grow and offers exceptional freshness whether eaten raw or cooked. On the other hand, if versatility and disease resistance are your top priorities, ‘Juliet’ tomato is the ideal choice. Its meaty texture and resistance to common tomato diseases make it an excellent option for small spaces and container gardening.

For those who enjoy tiny and tasty treats, ‘Candyland Red’ is a currant-type tomato that delivers big on flavor despite its small size. Its disease resistance and abundant harvests make it a fantastic pick for gardens with limited space. Lastly, ‘Sungold’ tomato is a fan favorite for its exceptional sweetness and fruitiness. With hundreds of 1-inch-diameter fruits, it offers both high yield and resistance to common tomato diseases.

Remember, regardless of the tomato varieties you choose, proper support and care are essential for a successful harvest. From staking your plants to providing adequate water and nutrients, following basic tomato gardening tips will go a long way in ensuring a bountiful crop. Happy gardening and enjoy the incomparable taste of homegrown tomatoes!


Can these tomato varieties be grown in raised garden beds?

Yes, all of the recommended tomato varieties can be grown in raised garden beds.

Are these tomato varieties easy to grow?

Yes, these tomato varieties are generally easy to grow, making them suitable for home gardeners.

Do these tomatoes have disease resistance?

Some of the recommended tomato varieties have disease resistance, such as ‘Juliet’ and ‘Sungold’.

Can these tomatoes be grown in small spaces or containers?

Yes, ‘Candyland Red’ and ‘Juliet’ are great choices for small spaces and container gardening.

Do these tomatoes require pruning or support?

Yes, most indeterminate tomato varieties, such as ‘Sungold’ and ‘Juliet’, require pruning and support for healthier and more productive plants.

Can these tomatoes be used for making sauces or adding to salads?

Yes, these tomatoes can be used for various culinary purposes, including making sauces and adding to salads.